
Discover a Home Away From Home

网上网赌平台,我们是一个全球性的社区,我们的学生来自13个国家,而且还在不断增加. 我们知道你可以在我们安全、热情和支持的环境中茁壮成长.

Applying to Thomas College is easy, and we’re here to help you. We’ve outlined information about each step of the application process, and if you have any questions, 您可以随时使用本页底部的联系网上网赌平台与我们联系.

See Yourself Here

Get to Know Our Campus

We recommend visiting campus so you can meet current students, chat with professors, and see what life is like here. 我们可以安排亲自参观或虚拟参观,这取决于您的时间.

Connect With Us

Be sure to join our mailing list. Once you share some basic information with us, 我们将能够回答您的问题,并向您发送有关重要新闻的通知, opportunities, and deadlines.

Explore Financial Aid Opportunities

网上网赌平台的学位不仅物超所值,而且价格实惠. We have a special Welcome to Maine Scholarship worth 每年$2,000,可续期至四年的本科学习(总共$8,000),以及为全日制本科生提供慷慨的优秀奖学金;

Name GPA Range Resident Commuter Renewal GPA
Cum Laude Scholarship 2.8 – 3.49 $14,000 $10,000 2.5
Magna Cum Laude Scholarship 3.5 – 3.79 $16,000 $12,000 2.5
Summa Cum Laude Scholarship 3.8 – 3.99 $18,000 $13,000 2.75
Presidential Academic Achievement Award 4.0 $20,000 $15,000 2.75

  • Graduate Resident Merit Scholarship: 被全日制校园MBA课程录取的国内外学生自动有资格获得年度奖学金. Applicants with a GPA of 3.5 or higher will receive $18,000, and applicants with a GPA of 3.0-3.49 will receive $14,000.

International students do not qualify for federal financial aid, 但是会自动被考虑到上面显示的优秀奖学金和 Welcome to Maine scholarship.  需要额外帮助的国际学生也可以提交CSS档案供考虑.  More information concerning the CSS Profile can be found at International Students – CSS Profile | College Board.

住宿费由留学生自理, meal plans, mandatory fees, student health insurance, 以及与国际申请流程和差旅费相关的其他费用.

Apply to Thomas College

当你准备好申请网上网赌平台时,只需遵循以下步骤即可. If you have questions at any point, please email [email protected].



Submit your application for undergraduate admission. We accept the Thomas College Undergraduate Application, which takes about ten minutes to complete, or the Common Application. You can choose which one you’d like to complete; both are treated equally in our selection process.

Provide supporting documentation. This includes:

  • College Essay
  • School Report, including an Official High School Transcript. This should be submitted by your school.
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation. We require one but suggest two.
  • English Proficiency Exam Score (TOEFL, IELS, Duolingo). Our minimum requirements are: 72 for TOEFL, 5.5 for IELTS, and 105 for Duolingo.
  • Declaration of Finances Form
  • Passport Copy
  • Optional: SAT and/or ACT Scores

Begin the financial aid process. 有资格获得基于需求的经济援助的国际申请人需要提交一份 CSS Profile, and you can use this CSS Profile Tutorial as a guide. For more information about financial assistance, please visit our Financial Aid page.


只有加拿大和百慕大的居民才有资格参加网上网赌平台的在线研究生学位课程. 申请现场MBA课程的国际学生必须具有商科或相关领域的本科学位,并且本科GPA为3分.0 or higher. 没有在美国大学获得会计学位的国际学生没有资格参加面对面的MBA会计课程.

International Admissions Instructions


  1. Online Application: All applicants for admission at Thomas College must complete the free online graduate application.
  2. Undergraduate GPA Requirements: 工商管理硕士课程为学生提供密集的专业管理教育,涉及广泛的学科,旨在让学生接触理论和网上正规网赌平台商业场景. A cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 由于这个面对面课程的加速性质,是否需要进入. 确保学生具备在课程中取得成功所必需的基础商业知识, applicants are encouraged to have competency in statistics, economics, 会计或相关课程成绩达到“C”或以上. 没有这些学科领域的课程或在这些领域的直接工作经验的申请人可能没有资格入学.
  3. Official Undergraduate Transcripts: 申请人必须提交以前就读的所有专上院校的正式成绩单 SpanTran portal. 国际成绩单必须由第三方评估,网上网赌平台与SpanTran合作提供必要的评估. The cost of a SpanTran 如果你被网上网赌平台录取,评估费用将从你的学费中扣除. However, before you pursue the cost of a formal transcript evaluation, 如果你想让我们的办公室进行初步的成绩单分析,看看你是否已经完成了入学所需的先决课程, you can email an unofficial copy of your transcripts to [email protected] and request that an admissions counselor complete a preliminary review.
  4. Letters of Recommendation: 从你认为最适合的人那里要求两封推荐信,以说明你在研究生项目中取得成功的能力. In the application portal, 您将被要求输入两位专业推荐人的姓名和联系网上网赌平台. 这将发送一个自动的电子邮件,其中包含一个个性化的上传链接,直接到你的推荐人那里,他们可以上传他们的信并完成这个必要的步骤. 推荐信可以由雇主、导师、教授或大学顾问提交.
  5. English Proficiency Exam Score (TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo): Our minimum requirements are: 72 for TOEFL, 5.5 for IELTS, and 105 for Duolingo. 如果英语是你本科学习的教学语言, this requirement can be waived.
  6. Estimated Cost of Attendance Letter and Declaration of Finance Form: 寻求进入现场MBA课程的国际申请人被要求审查出勤估计费用文件. 财务声明表格及随附文件必须填写,但在申请人填妥一份 SpanTran evaluation.

Merit Aid研究生入学的申请者只有住在校园里才有资格获得优异成绩, and we’ll automatically consider you for available scholarships. For more information about financial assistance, please visit our Financial Services page.

Reach Out With Questions

我们在这里有一个个人团队,在你的大学搜索和申请过程中的任何步骤支持你. Please contact us if we can help answer your questions!

International RegionInternational RecruiterContact Information
Africa, Asia (India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Middle East)Shivang Malik Email: [email protected]
Phone / WhatsApp: +91 95485 21052
Asia (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, South Korea)Surin TanEmail: [email protected]
Phone / WhatsApp / Telegram / Viber: +65 9696 3315
WeChat / Kakao: surintan
Skype / LINE: surinsiwei
All Other RegionsUndergraduate: TBD
Graduate: Kristin Bishop
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 207-859-1101
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 207-859-1255

Mailing Address

Admissions Office
Thomas College
180 West River Road
Waterville, ME 04901